Neelamudi (Blue Hair) OTT Release: Malayalam Film on Casteism Now Streaming on Manorama Max
Neelamudi (Blue Hair), directed by Sharath Kumar V, is a gripping Malayalam film tackling caste-based discrimination in the digital age. Set in a rural village, it follows Sidhu, a vlogger, and his friends, who plan a prank that takes an unexpected turn. The film uses vlogs to highlight the subtle infiltration of casteism in everyday life, addressing the misuse of soc...
Neelamudi (Blue Hair), directed by Sharath Kumar V, is a gripping Malayalam film tackling caste-based discrimination in the digital age. Set in a rural village, it follows Sidhu, a vlogger, and his friends, who plan a prank that takes an unexpected turn. The film uses vlogs to highlight the subtle infiltration of casteism in everyday life, addressing the misuse of soc...