Enceladus' Geysers May Not Come from Underground Ocean, Study Suggests

Enceladus, one of Saturn’s most intriguing moons, has long been thought to have water plumes erupting from its underground ocean. However, a recent study proposes an alternative explanation, suggesting the plumes may originate from a semi-liquid layer within the moon’s ice shell. Researchers believe shear heating along fractures creates slushy, salt-laden reservoi...

Mar 8, 2025 - 11:19
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Enceladus' Geysers May Not Come from Underground Ocean, Study Suggests
Enceladus, one of Saturn’s most intriguing moons, has long been thought to have water plumes erupting from its underground ocean. However, a recent study proposes an alternative explanation, suggesting the plumes may originate from a semi-liquid layer within the moon’s ice shell. Researchers believe shear heating along fractures creates slushy, salt-laden reservoi...